Amador County
Home MenuVoter's Choice Act
The Amador County Elections Department is preparing for its implementation of the Voter’s Choice Act. Under this new act, voters will have more choice on how, when, and where they vote. For the March and November elections in 2020, every registered voter in Amador County will receive a vote-by-mail ballot regardless of having signed up for one. However, voters will not be limited to just voting by mail (which is postage paid now); they will be able to drop off their ballots in one of our many secure drop-off locations throughout the county or they can vote in person. If a voter chooses to vote in person, he/she will no longer be limited to a single polling place on a single day. A voter may go to any of three open vote center locations throughout the county; vote centers will be open 3 days before the election through Election Day, including weekends. The voter will have more choice.
Also, Conditional Voter Registration is a new safety net for Californians who miss the deadline to register to vote or update their voter registration information for an election. If you visit one of our three Vote Centers, there is still an opportunity to cast a ballot by completing the conditional voter registration process.
Eligible citizens who miss the deadline can go to the Amador County elections office or one of three Vote Centers to register and vote conditionally. Their ballots will be processed once the elections staff has completed the voter registration verification process. Voters can complete the conditional voter registration process 14 days before an election all the way through to that Election Day.